
Live Author Read: Nancy Krulik

Nancy Krulik New York Times Bestselling Author Reading The Great Mathemachicken 3: Sing High, Sing Crow Nancy Krulik is the author of more than 200 books for children and young adults, including three New York Times bestsellers. She is best known, however, for being the author and creator of the Katie Kazoo Switcheroo, Princess Pulverizer, […]

TODAYS CHALLENGE: Create Your Own Bookmark

IT'S ALL ABOUT BOOKS:  TODAYS CHALLENGE is CREATE YOUR OWN BOOKMARK! During the month, we’ll feature fun challenges like swapping books with your friends or writing your own ending to a beloved story. Participate by completing the challenge, then snap a picture and share it with us! Post your photos on social media and tag […]

TODAYS CHALLENGE: Why We Celebrate Memorial Day

IT'S ALL ABOUT BOOKS:  TODAYS CHALLENGE is TO READ ABOUT WHY WE CELEBRATE MEMORIAL DAY! During the month, we’ll feature fun challenges like reading a recipe and trying it out or writing your own ending to a beloved story. Participate by completing the challenge, then snap a picture and share it with us! Post your […]